Training Course
13-22 March 2024 | Trapani, Sicily, Italy
32 junge Menschen aus 8 verschiedenen europäischen Ländern trafen sich vom 28.10.- 06.11.2022 in Berlin um zu lernen, wie man mit einfachen Mitteln ansprechende Imagefilme für Vereine und Initiativen herstellt. 8 arbeitsintensive brachten ansehnliche Ergebnisse, die auf den Organisationen auf einer selbstorganisierten Filmgala präsentiert wurden. Unten könnt Ihr die Ergebnisse sehen. Alle TeilnehmerInnen werden in der 2 Phase des Trainings in Ihren Heimatländern ein Video erstellen. Wir werden Euch Anfang des nächsten jahres einige davon hier zeigen.
Die Veranstaltung wurde durch das EU-Programm Erasmus+ gefördert.
Der Inhalt gibt ausschließlich die Meinung der Autor*innen wieder
Die Europäische Kommission haftet nicht für Folgen, die sich aus der Wiederverwendung der Veröffentlichungen ergeben.
“I learned how to work in teams, under pressure anddisagreements, how to use what you have in the moment andhow to approach different organizations for filming projects, etcand pitch a creative idea. I am planning to use my learnings inthe future projects at home organizations, university, etc. - bymaking more videos”-Shabnam
“I improved my soft skills and learned more about storytellingand guerilla techniques. I was the most motivated during thefinal big assignment. The most important experience for me wasWorking in a team with people with completely differentbackgrounds. I will use what I learned in my work as a socialmedia manager for an NGO.”-Polina
“Personally, I learned much about dealing with new things and differentchallenges: new people, new environment, new skills, new content, newtasks, new contexts, and much more... Professionally, I was able to learn alot about video production as well as promotion of social-ecologicalprojects in general: different techniques, methods, tips and tricks, etc. -thank you for that! I was the most motivated during ... times where weworked together in (new) teams plus times where we could leave the placeand film outside/at other places in Berlin as well as interacting with peoplefrom outside/the organizations. It was once again confirmed to me that thecoming together of many people from different backgrounds, with differentskills, etc. is very enriching.”-Nadja
“I learned how to work with different tools that I didn't usebefore, for instance, the microphone. I also learned that thereare many ways to promote your work through filmmaking, nomatter the field that you work at. I was the most motivatedwhile watching our end results and realizing how empoweringthe results were. The most important experience for me wasmeeting a new organization for whom we made a movie later.I will continue to use the skills I learned with the organizationthat I work at. The project taught me how empoweringfilmmaking can be!”-Nino
“I learned to work in teams and how to use storytelling. It wasgreat to work with amazing people and I think I will useeverything that I learned in my everyday life!”-Saba
“It was a great chance to learn how to create social promotion videos ina very short time. I have learned time management and keepingdeadlines. I already made a short video with my colleague and we usedskills which we got in Berlin. I often use all the new skills in my dailywork as a TV journalist. I was the most motivated during the practicalactivities though the fact that there were mixed activities made it notboring.”-Giorgi
“I met good professionals and learned team building skills andvideo making skills. I was the most motivated during the last filmmaking session. The most important experience for me was gettingto know new people and discovering Berlin as a creative space forsocial impact. I will use all the new knowledge with my NGO inGeorgia.”-Akaki
“I met amazing people and learnt how to communicate with differentpeople and do everything on our own. Also, I had the chance to acquireuseful skills on Video making, content creation, directing a film andacting and got to know more about SDGs. I was the most motivatedduring the session in which we had to work all as one group that was sochallenging and also so good. The most important information for mewas how to use Capcut and create a video. I am also planning to createa youtube channel that will be as a sightseeing video. I will showdifferent parts of Germany.”-Tamim
“I learn how to engage and exchange with
other participants, tocomplete assignments in a short period of time (time
management)and to improvise and create ideas (thinking outside the box). Also, Iacquired some practical skills in filmmaking, guerilla
filmmakingskills and team-working skills and I learned how to createpromotional videos according to the needs of
organization and editfilm material. I was the most motivated during the
process ofengaging with the local organization "Haus der Nachbarschaft" andthe purpose driven film against domestic violence. The
mostimportant learning for me was the realization of making somethinggreat with little and basic resources (equipment,
time, etc.). I willtake all the information and share the knowledge with
myorganization in documenting the work we are doing for youthempowerment.”-Linn
“Personally, I learned that I am able to sustain any process as long asI protect my focus. I learned a lot about teamwork and teambuilding.Filmmaking requires a great team work and this teamwork requiressoft skills. Therefore being a professional in a specific field is notenough for teamwork. That showed me how important soft skills are.When I had a chance to pick my teammates I always chose the oneswho are good at soft skills besides their knowledge and experience onvideo making. When I didn't have a chance to pick, I challenged mysoft skills and I realized that sometimes being in a random group isalso a good way of testing yourself. Secondly, I learned how tooperate DSLR cameras and discovered different ways of using phonecams. I contributed with my guerilla skills. The moments that we stuckin the team I tried to come up wıth creative solutions. I was the mostmotivated during the YEPP social promotion video. I believe that I willimplement what I experienced in my daily life and production processwith my friends, my audience, and the ones that are willing to learnsomething about video making.”-Halil
“I improved my teamwork skills and learned
some stuff aboutcamerawork. I'm moderately satisfied, there were times
that I feltslowed down by my teammates and also myself. I was the mostmotivated during the group meeting before the
activities. The mostimportant learning for me was that you are not always
on a dreamteam and that you have to cope with what you have. I will try and usethe skills I learnt to create more
videos.” -Stathis
“I learned how to deal with different
personalities in every team andhow to cope with what I have. I was the most motivated
during our scouting day. The most important information and experience for mewas to contact an organization. I will try to implement
all this info inmy everyday life and in my
“I gained more awareness about my limits and
learned about backstagemanagement of a project and potential issues connected
with an increasingnumber of tasks. I was the most motivated when I was
accepting tasks,helping with the activities and the places, assisting
the participants, makingatmosphere during the sessions, listening needs and
requests. The mostimportant experience for me was the background process
and sharing tasksand I will share what I learned with my
“I learned so much about working with other
people and relying on them. Ilearned to make an activity fun if you don't feel it is.
Also, I learned moreabout Guerrilla Video Making, which I knew about but
constantlyunderestimated! I will try and implement some more teamwork in my usualworkflow and, maybe, from time to time, some guerrilla
video making- Icould do this for an active project I'm part of. As a
professional videomaker,it's been great to start from scratch again. Sometimes,
I need to remindmyself of the essentials. This project took me back and
taught me much!”-Andrea
“This experience gave me lots of
opportunities for learning: first of all more selfconfidence when I speak English, before I was so shy
because I thought that Iwasn’t able to speak and understand but it was just in
my mind. In additions toskills of video making, I could work in a team, was
the first time that I workedwith other people for do a work because I’m still
studying and I have neverworked for someone. Every skill that I’ve learnt there
I will use in my privatework.”-Samuele
“I learned how to work in a team and how
to create videos with simple tools andhow to deal with ideas in a better way. I've been
abroad before and I metdifferent people but this course included new
nationalities with differentcultures than mine so that added more. After this, I
helped my sister with makinga video for a scholarship that she wanted to apply
“I improved my english and made new
friends, acquired video making skills andteamwork skills. I was the most motivated during our
work in the Hanf museum.I am going to use what I learnt in my everyday life
and to help my university withthe instagram profile of the museum's
“The project taught me to set my priorities
and that planning before theaction is the key. I was the most motivated during the
filming days andthe team meetings. The most important learning for me
was thatsimplicity often comes across more powerful.”-Marta
“I learned how to work with people with
different skill levels, and how totry to relax and not stress about the outcome with such
limited time sinceit's just for learning. I think that this training
course was mainly forgetting inspired. I was enthusiastically taking part in the exercises
andtried to make the best results possible with the little tools and time wehad. In the last assignment I felt the most
responsibility since an actualorganization was planning to publish the video. In real
life I would havetaken more time to complete it so that I could be proud
of the outcome,but here I was really stressed to deliver something
decent to them, so Iwas highly motivated. Also, I learned to not take
everything so seriouslyand enjoy the experience. I would love to teach kids
about film andphotography, so if I manage to do that then I would
definitely use thebuild up strategy from this training
“The most important thing I've learnt is
teamwork. Although we've been talkingabout teamwork all the time, to deliver quality work
within such a short time isvery challenging, and teamwork matters a lot. I
realized that it's possible toproduce videos without editing, thus ideas matter, not
editing. This is veryimportant, because I've spent too much time on editing
in the past. This hasgiven me a new approach to making videos. I enjoyed
working with people fromdifferent countries. It's very interesting to
understand how other people think. Iwas most motivated during assignments, because
everyone's devotion, creativeideas and our works are so inspiring. Everyone wants to
learn and createsomething meaningful. It WAS my first time to
participate in an Erasmus+ project. The most important experience for me was that
it's amazing to get toknow people from so many countries in such a short
time, to live and worktogether for several days. It makes me feel like we
have known each other for along time. I understand how people from different
countries think about certainthings, and we exchanged cultural communication, which
is very helpful for meto better understand Europe. I do keep in touch with
other participants. It's atreasured experience. I will implement what I have
learnt in our organization, aswell as my own channel, and other possible video
projects. The project taughtme that completion is more important than
“I have a lot of personal reflections which are too much to write here. Mycreativity started, my openness increased, I felt the power to take up newprofessional activities. I learned the courage to take action despite smallresources. I also started to feel that I can be an inspiration for youngpeople. My filmmaking skills have improved. I learned basic video editing. Ifelt that I could be a good helper and a right hand for others. the quality ofgiving feedback increased SIGNIFICANTLY. A lot of assignments in thisprogram were motivating for me, which makes it hard to choose only one.The most important learning for me was that If something is not how I like -I MAKE IT! Actually I already started to record again in my life, which I hadstopped a few years ago... I will put recording movies into all my action Itake. Will use the skills in my workshops, going on workshops, and doinginterviews with people. This project reactivated my dormant creativity infilming, and generally - dormant creation and expression. This project was aturning point in my life - it came in perfect timing! A lot of empiricexperiences made this project work for me.”-Stephanie
“I could work on my language skills, I met
many interesting people, I learnedhow to use everything that I have always with me to do
good movies. I evenlearned how to make lessons with my students more
interesting and funny.Throughout, I contributed with my smile, help, skills
and equipment. I was themost motivated during the creation of social promotion
videos. The mostimportant information, experience for me was that you
need to be there, learn& meet people. I will implement this in everything
in my work - school.”-Ela
“Personally, I learned some tricks and tips
on video making. Working with themuseum was amazing as we learned new information about
the hemp industry.I was the most motivated during the sessions on the
editing process. The mostlearning for me was that you can make great videos
with nothing if you have agood idea. After it, I started preparing with my
organization ESN UL, a videopromoting mentor programme.”
“I learned how to work in teams and how to learn from other people. I had thechance to show my working skills and help others and also to share myexperience. I was the most motivated during the visit to the hemp museum andthe work we did together there. The most important learning for me was to seethe work of each other and to work in teams. I believe that I will use what Ilearned in my personal and professional life. It was beautiful to meet manyincredible people.”-Antonio
“I learned that you have to do the most with
what you have and guerrillatechniques for video making. It was exciting enough,
interesting enough... Themost important learning for me was that we are the
creators of our own story.Each person in the group had something unique to add to
the team.”-Lara
“I learned to understand the ideas of the
people and put them in common aswell as work in a group. Also, I learned Some
techniques for applying in myvideos. I was the most motivated during the social
promotion video. Themost important experience for me was meeting everyone
and creating asocial video for an organization. I will use my
learnings in my daily lifebecause I work as a photographer and filmmaker. In
all, it was an importantopportunity to meet different people and work together
-every moment wasunforgettable!”-Roberto
30 junge Menschen aus 8 verschiedenen europäischen Ländern treffen sich für 8 arbeitsintensive Tage in Winsens polnischer Partnerstadt Drezdenko. klick e.V. ist die deutsche Partnerorganisation und entsendet 3 TeilnehmerInnen, die im internationalen Kontext lernen, wie man mit einfachen Mitteln Videos dreht, sie bearbeitet und veröffentlicht. Als Ergebnis werden am Abchlußtag 5 Imagevideos auf einer Gala gezeigt, die die Teilnehmerinnen von und mit lokalen, gemeinnützigen Organisationen gedreht haben.
"Der Trainingskurs wurde aufgrund der Coronapandemie bereits 2 x verschoben. Jetzt sind endlich wieder europäische Präsenzveranstaltungen möglich", freut sich der Vorsitzende Matthias Schrenk. Die Veranstaltung wird durch das EU-Programm Erasmus+ gefördert.
‘Humour is Serious Business’ (Working Date) 24th – 31st March 2014, Estonia
‘Humour is Serious Business’ is a Training Programme aimed at youth work practitioners from a wide range of countries who have an interest in and commitment to the examination and use of Humour as a pro-active and deliberate methodology in their work with young people and other youth work communities.
The programme provides space and time for participants to examine a multitude of issues, concerns and questions related to the use of Humour in an effort to increase their skills, knowledge and experience of Humour as an effective method of engaging young people. The programme uses the ‘H-Factor’ (Heart, Head and Hand) methodology to underpin practice and learning.
The objectives of the programme are: (i) upskilling youth work practitioners in the use of humour as an effective tool for engaging young people and youth work communities (ii) enhancing knowledge of the various types of humour so as to increase understanding of how, where, when and why it can be applied (iii) increasing awareness of how humour can be used as a pro-active and deliberate methodology in youth work and not just as a natural consequence of and response to specific situations (iv) consider cultural differences in humour and understand better how these can be used to support and inform youth work practice (v) providing space and time for practitioners to reflect upon the use of their own sense of humour and consider where it can be altered to support their practice (vi) challenge participants to step out of their ‘comfort zone’ in order to appreciate their own commitment to learning (vii) developing local humour-based programmes to test methodologies and techniques with a view to informing humour-based practice and (viii) the development of a number of joint-actions between partner organisations
A short video on the last programme is available at
Dieser Trainingskurs hatte zum Ziel, die europäischen Werte von Bürgerlichkeit und Demokratie zu fördern und gleichzeitig die Bedeutung von Globalisierung und Konsumverhalten unter Jugendlichen zu betrachten. Als Jugendarbeiter obliegt einem die Verantwortung, Veränderungen eines sich wandelnden Europas als Multiplikator sinngebend weitergeben zu können.
Dieser Trainingskurs richtete sich insbesondere an ehren- und hauptamtliche Jugenarbeiter, die sich in internationalen Jugendbegegnungen engagieren. Ziel war es, persönliche Konfliktlösungsstrategien zu analysieren und zu reflektieren und Konflikte konstruktiv für die eigene Arbeit mit Jugendlichen zu nutzen. An diesem Kurs nahmen 18 Teilnehmer aus neun verschiedenen Ländern teil und erlebten diesen EU-Trainingskurs im BJGZ in Scharmbeck/Winsen.
Heutzutage ist es für viele Jugendarbeiter nicht einfach, den Zugang zu Jugendlichen zu finden. Mit diesem EU-Training haben wir Jugendarbeitern aus acht Ländern Methoden und Handwerkszeug dafür geliefert, um auf spielerische Weise Beziehungen aufzubauen. Auf dem Programm standen einfache Jonglage, Simple Magic, Clowning und Modellierballons. Damit konnten wir die Jugendarbeiter mit neuem Rüstzeug ausstatten. Durch den internationalen Kontext sind neue Verbindungen entstanden, um den europäischen Gedanken praktisch in die Tat umzusetzen.